Curriculum Vitae

Simon J. Goring
Assistant Scientist
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin - Madison
ORCID - 0000-0002-2700-4605
Google Scholar - Simon Goring
ImpactStory - AltMetrics
Research ExperienceEducation, Employment and Teaching Experience [Link]

Full Academic CVMy full cv, part of an experiment with Pandoc, CSS and Markdown. [Link]

ProjectsFunded research projects. [Link]

Research PublicationsAcademic Peer Reviewed Publications and Software [Link]

Two Page CVMy two page CV for grant submissions [Link]

My academic research has been cited over 1000 times. My non-academic publications have been used as the basis of educational modules, internal project development, and have helped spur engagement of individuals from under-represented STEM backgrounds.

My work is strongly interdisciplinary, focusing on geoinformatics, paleoecology, basic plant biology, quantitative analysis and social systems within academia. I am a project leader within the Neotoma Paleoecological Database, am a member of the EarthCube Leadership Committee and chair of the EarthCube Engagement Committee.

My commitment to community extends beyond my academic roles. I am on the Board of Directors of the Kids Sing Chorus, a non-profit organization that makes a choral experience available free of charge to children in East Vancouver communities who may not otherwise have access to music education (feel free to donate!)